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Cammini Aperti: a journey to discover Italy among sustainability, accessibility and slowness

A joint project between the Italian regions, the Ministry of Tourism and Enit, inviting people to discover the beauty and diversity of the country through accessibility, sustainability and slowness.

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by Editorial staff
Cammini Aperti: a journey to discover Italy among sustainability, accessibility and slowness

The weekend of "Cammini Aperti" is approaching. On April 13 and 14, Italy is preparing to host the largest national event dedicated to the Cammini. This project, born in Umbria, has become over the years a joint initiative of all regions, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Enit (National Tourism Agency), included in the National Promotion Plan 2022.

The main objective of "Cammini Aperti" is to promote the values of accessibility and sustainability, offering outdoor enthusiasts the opportunity to explore, for this edition, 42 paths throughout Italy, two for each region and autonomous province. These routes, ranging from 6 to 10 kilometers in length, are designed to allow everyone to enjoy the scenic and cultural beauty of our country, promoting a slower and more contemplative approach to tourism. The initiative caresses the increasingly evident rise of the slow tourism segment, as Minister Santanché pointed out at the BIT (Italian Tourism Exchange), during the presentation of the project,"Discover the Italy You Didn't Know - Italian Travel," in which "Cammini Aperti" is included.

The event also involves important partners such as CAI (Club Alpino Italiano) and FISH Onlus (Federazione Italiana Superamento Handicap). CAI has selected 21 paths, one for each region, and identified stretches that are also accessible to people with mobility difficulties, while FISH Onlus is actively working to ensure the accessibility of these paths to all, through awareness-raising initiatives and collaborations with local authorities.

During the "Open Walks" weekend, it will be offered to everyone, after registration on the dedicated portal, the opportunity to explore lesser-known corners of our Peninsula, immersing themselves in the history, art and nature that characterize the different Italian regions.

From North to South, the possibilities for discovery are endless. In Central Italy, for example, you can walk the Saint Francis Walk, celebrating the eighth centenary of his Stigmata, or explore the Via Lauretana in the Marche, the oldest Marian route. In the South and Islands, on the other hand, you can admire the magnificence of Puglia with the Cammino Materano or explore the Magna Via Francigena in Sicily.

The northern regions also offer unique experiences: from the Via Francigena in Lombardy to the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri in Liguria, via the impressive Balteo Trail in the Aosta Valley.

To find out about all the routes check out the program.

"Cammini Aperti is more than just a tourism event. It is an opportunity to connect with the nature, history and culture of our country, while promoting values such as sustainability and inclusion. It is an invitation to travel at a leisurely, slow pace, fully savoring every moment and every place that Italy has to offer.

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by Editorial staff

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