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FAI Days unveil Italy's most beautiful secrets

750 places in 400 cities will be open for free visits. From north to south, exceptional openings and untold stories to learn about and rediscover the value of Italian heritage.

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by Editorial staff
FAI Days unveil Italy's most beautiful secrets
Pedres Castle - Olbia

Saturday, March 23 and Sunday, March 24 mark the return of the FAI Days of Spring, an event that celebrates Italy's cultural and landscape heritage by opening the doors of 750 places in 400 cities. Thanks to volunteers from 350 FAI delegations and Groups active in all regions, it will be possible to explore Italy full of hidden treasures and unexpected stories.

These Days, now in their 32nd edition, offer a unique opportunity to discover unusual and lesser-known corners of Italy, from large urban centers to remote villages, from historic monuments to unusual and curious places. FAI's mission is to "take care of heritage by telling it," and these Days expand and enrich the tale, involving thousands of delegates, volunteers and young apprentice ciceroni.

"Telling the story of cultural heritage in order to educate the community to protect it and take care of it: from this need the FAI Spring Days were born in 1992, giving life, and then body, and then strength to an impressive volunteer structure-the FAI Delegations-which with exceptional enthusiasm and stubbornness in these thirty-two years have opened to the public 15,540 forgotten or difficult-to-visit places, telling them, precisely, with simplicity and passion to as many as 12 million 515,000 citizens. To the benefits of this telling has now been added another one: that of physicality and the role it has for true learning." FAI President Marco Magnifico said. 

During this special weekend, it will be possible to immerse oneself in the stories and realities of unique places, many of them usually inaccessible, going beyond the already known routes. Each place and each story will lead to "knowing and recognizing the value of Italian heritage, to protect it with everyone's contribution, because it belongs to everyone."

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by Editorial staff

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